Quality general dental care with an emphasis on natural esthetics, form and function. Experience with complex restorative, prosthetic and implant treatment.
The maxilla (upper jaw) contains air cavities called sinuses. As we age and teeth are lost in the posterior upper jaw, the sinuses enlarge making the bone very thin. This creates insufficent bone in some cases to support endosseous implants which are placed within the bone. When endosseous implants are indicated for treatment but the bone is insufficiently thin, the sinuses can be augmented to create a good base for the endosseous implants.
The sinus augmentation procedure:
The posterior maxilla (upper jaw) demonstrating minimal bone due to enlargement of the maxillary sinus. Insufficient bone height is present to place endosseous implants.

The sinus membrane is lifted and a bone graft placed to increase the height of the avaialble bone so that endosseous implants may be placed.

After several months of healing, the bone has matured and is ready for placement of endosseous implants.

Endosseous implant has been placed and is allowed to heal for several months.

Implant Cosmetic Dental Centerâ„¢
Dr. Gregori M. Kurtzman is an international lecturer, selected as one of the top 100 dental speakers since 2006 by Dentistry Today, author of over 200 professional articles, a consultant to multiple dental manufacturers for product evaluation, development and research, he provides general dental care in suburban Maryland since 1986.